By Dr. Dee Carter
As a defense response to protect the safety of students on the campus of
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, they purchased 200 bulletproof whiteboards. The university president, Juliette Bell, told CNN that the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut last December which killed 20 children was a factor in making this decision.
The company that manufactures the bulletproof whiteboard is called
Hardwire Armor Systems. Their products are mainly for homeland security,
SWAT and police forces, but due to the increase in school shootings the whiteboards are being introduced to schools and universities around the country. The whiteboards are 18-by-20 inches and weigh less than four pounds which makes it very easy to manipulate.
Some critics believe this is a costly investment; the
bulletproof whiteboards cost three hundred dollars each, and may create a false since of security, but so does installing metal detectors and other security measures. With the increase in violence in the workplace and in our schools something needs to be done. Other products Hardwire produces for the classroom include bulletproof backpack insert, peel-n-stick doors and clipboards.
This week a middle school student in Nevada opened fire on students and deadly shot a teacher that was trying to help. This teacher was a Marine and served several tours in Afghanistan. It is possible that having these whiteboards or some other type of bulletproof armor in the school may have protected him from this violent act.
Schools across the country have begun implementing security plans and emergency response procedures. Do you know what safety procedure your school or job, for that matter, has in place? Ask; it's better safe than sorry.
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