you know a teenager that has a weight problem, you don’t have to remind
them….they know it. Your remarks will
impact their self-esteem. Web MD suggest
5 tips for parents, one of which includes setting a good example and making
good health apart of your family life style.
a good percentage our young ladies admire the extremely thin and tone frames of
the models in magazines and videos our young men want to achieve ripped abs
like Trey Songz or Taylor Lautner. What
teenage girls need to know is that only 5% of women in the US have the body
type that is depicted on the pages of top magazines. It’s genetic.
teenagers want to be stronger for sports and others want to change their body
types because of what is portrayed. In order to achieve this physique many
teenage boys are using supplements. Theses supplements are not regulated like
medical drugs and could potentially contain anabolic steroids, which in high
doses can be harmful.
are all designed with different body types. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be
physically fit but make sure the measures you take to achieve your results are
safe. Take care of our body the best way
you can by eating well, getting exercise and plenty of rest. These 3 simple
ideas will support you in achieving the best body image for you.
Dr.Dee Carter February 25, 2013