So what's the Big Deal about getting Angry? We all get angry from time to time, it is a normal emotion; a way our subconscious mind releases mental and emotional pressure. There are three types of anger: "hasty and sudden" which occurs when you are scared and seek to defend yourself, "settled and deliberate" is premeditated and intended to harm someone and thirdly there is "dispositional" anger and it is related to a person's traits.
In addition, anger can be expressed Passively or Aggressively. When passive anger is demonstrated a person tends to do things under the radar; for example gossiping or harboring resentment. To the contrary, aggressive anger is seen through bullying, threatening behavior and refusing to forgive.
It is helpful for us to understand all types of anger in order to recognize what may be the primary cause of it in youth today. Our youth are carrying "emotional baggage" based on their personal domestic situation instead of books and dreams. Despite this "baggage" most of our youth demonstrate a profound amount of unrecognized strength.
Many of our youth would benefit from some type of therapy/counseling to identify and cope with the root cause. If this is not an option having a positive role model/confidant in whom they can confide will make all the difference in how they choose to deal with their anger.
The mere fact that some of them have experienced enormous hardships in their life time before the age of 16 is a testament to their resilience and tenacity. It takes adults in their common surroundings to instill in them their value and strength. In doing this we will help them in redirecting their anger into positive areas. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could be influential in channeling a young person's anger into a creative idea like the multimillion dollar Angry Birds phenomena?
Stay Connected!
Dr. Dee Carter
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